Fault Tolerance Exhibition

An exhibition exploring failures in software, hardware and wetware.

Microscopy WebGPU

Celebrating beautiful failures

How much beautiful data never sees the light of day because the experiment that produced it was considered a failure? Or maybe it simply didn’t fit the narrative for the publication or did not align with the goals of the research lab. It is well known that the majority of scientific endeavours do not work out in the way researchers expect, especially in experimental disciplines.

The exhibition Fault Tolerance explores artistic outlets that use data from failed experiments in three fields: Quantum Computing, Computational Biology and Developmental Biology. These three fields span examples of failures across hardware, software and wetware.

Collapsed aluminum rings: Light and electron microscopy visible at 1/100cm @disaster_chemistry
Navier-Brokes: Numerical errors in a fluid dynamics simulation

Can a collaboration between science and art provide meaningful output, encourage playful exploration and assist the mental health of scientists? This exhibition is a work-in-progress and a collaboration between Grisha Szep, Matilda Peruzzo and Silvia Caballero

Want to turn your data into art? Reach out!

We are constantly looking for outtakes from scientific activities that are usually not published in journals but make for interesting stories! Reach out and we can help you turn your bugs in numerical simulations and experiments gone wrong into art!